Author Archives: russkiy

Review of the Shekary and Tahririan Article

The article entitled “Negotiation of Meaning and Noticing in Text- Based Online Chat” by M. Shekary and M.H. Tahririan is about a study that explored the use of synchronic computer- mediated chat (SCMC) in second language acquisition. The study included … Continue reading

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Experiences with L2 Teaching Technology in the Classroom

My experience with technology in the L2 classroom has been pretty limited. I’m not a L2 GAT at the moment, instead I TA for a Russian cultural class (taught in English) dealing with Vampires, Werewolves and Slavic mythology. We conduct … Continue reading

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Assesment in the FL Classrooms

There are several issues with the Kern article that I would like to discuss. The first one is on pg. 108 in the discussion of instructional objectives. In the third part Kern mentions that “occasional errors may be permitted.” I … Continue reading

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Writing in the L2

The articles by Kern and Maxim on teaching writing in the foreign language classroom were interesting. In my experience with Russian, writing has not received the attention it deserves. Until I got to the third year, writing was restricted to … Continue reading

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Technology in the Classroom

I have to say that I did not agree with many of the points in the readings for this week. We need to be very careful with technology and rely on it too much. Computers crash, batteries die, CDs get … Continue reading

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Cultural Instruction

The articles presented some unique ways to integrate culture into the L2 classroom. Culture is just as important as grammar, reading, writing and oral instruction. Without it, the L2 student cannot be considered truly literate. However I would like to … Continue reading

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The reading for this week made me think back to last semester when I took a graduate- level reading course (I discussed this in my last blog). In the class, the teacher encouraged us to use contextual guessing or in … Continue reading

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Reading an FL

The reading for this week shed some light on how reading is taught in the FL classroom. I could not help but relate this reading to how reading Russian is taught. The 101 class I am observing now is not … Continue reading

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Classroom Speech

The readings this week offered some pretty interesting insight into the foreign language classroom. There were also a couple points in the article that I really did not agree with. In the first article, on pgs. 79- 80, the discussion … Continue reading

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Using stories to teach a language

I thought the article about using a story- based approach was interesting and presented a different approach to teaching a language. On pg. 217 in discussion of traditional approaches I could relate to being very good with grammar but unable … Continue reading

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